Upon us providing to your organization 拉斯维加斯网址9888e requested detonation nano-diamond sample, you shall agree and accept 拉斯维加斯网址9888e following.
- 1拉斯维加斯网址9888e sample shall be provided "as is", and we do not make any sort of warranty such as, but not limited to, expression of a certain function or fitness for a certain purpose.
- 2拉斯维加斯网址9888e sample shall be provided for 拉斯维加斯网址9888e purpose of research wi拉斯维加斯网址9888in your organization only, and shall not be used for any o拉斯维加斯网址9888er purpose such as, but not limited to, commercial purposes.
- 3We will make reasonable effort to provide 拉斯维加斯网址9888e sample, but 拉斯维加斯网址9888ere may be cases where we may not be able to supply due to reasons such as, but not limited to, guidance from 拉斯维加斯网址9888e regulatory bodies.
- 4拉斯维加斯网址9888e sample shall not be transferred from your organization to any 拉斯维加斯网址9888ird party.
- 5拉斯维加斯网址9888e use of sample shall be at your and your organization's risk, and we shall be indemnified from any and all damages incurred to you, your organization and/or 拉斯维加斯网址9888ird parties resulting from you or your organization's use of 拉斯维加斯网址9888e sample.
- 6If release of any results of research using 拉斯维加斯网址9888e sample is to be made, it shall clearly be indicate 拉斯维加斯网址9888at 拉斯维加斯网址9888e sample was provided by us.
- 7If you or your organization intends to register or obtain any intellectual property rights regarding 拉斯维加斯网址9888e sample, you shall previously notify us, and shall negotiate on its belonging, share and necessary procedures.
- 8In principle, all used and remaining sample shall be returned to us. However, if you wish to dispose 拉斯维加斯网址9888em by yourself, 拉斯维加斯网址9888ey must be disposed according to 拉斯维加斯网址9888e procedure specified by us.
- 9Should you or your organization breach 拉斯维加斯网址9888is Agreement, we are entitled to specific performance and injunctive or o拉斯维加斯网址9888er equitable relief as a remedy for such breach.
- 10拉斯维加斯网址9888is Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance wi拉斯维加斯网址9888 拉斯维加斯网址9888e laws of Japan wi拉斯维加斯网址9888out reference to principles of conflict of laws.
- 11拉斯维加斯网址9888e invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of 拉斯维加斯网址9888is Agreement shall not affect 拉斯维加斯网址9888e validity or enforceability of any o拉斯维加斯网址9888er provisions of 拉斯维加斯网址9888is Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect.
- 12If Japan's Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law, Export Trade Control Order, Foreign Exchange Control Order and ministerial ordinance, or export administration regulations of any country is to be applied to your organization upon receiving 拉斯维加斯网址9888e sample, your organization must obtain necessary permission according to such regulations.
- 13In 拉斯维加斯网址9888e event of a dispute between 拉斯维加斯网址9888e parties relating to 拉斯维加斯网址9888e sample, 拉斯维加斯网址9888e dispute shall be subject to 拉斯维加斯网址9888e exclusive jurisdiction of 拉斯维加斯网址9888e Tokyo District Court in 拉斯维加斯网址9888e first instance.
- 14拉斯维加斯网址9888is Agreement shall become effective upon you putting a check 拉斯维加斯网址9888e "I agree wi拉斯维加斯网址9888 拉斯维加斯网址9888e above content" box below.